ISSFT students enjoying a Braveheart house challenge

Braveheart challenge Traditional Scottish fun

Braveheart Challenge

Based on historic clans of Scotland, Scottish heroes and local traditions inspire an exciting array of competitive inter-house activities.

This is the last sporting event of the summer school and the final opportunity for our students to win all important clan points. Competing in their assigned clans ISSFT Summer School students participate in a range of outdoor activities and challenges inspired by a Scottish Highland Games.

The final day event includes:

  • Haggis hurl
  • Welly throw
  • Dizzy penalties
  • Tug o’ war
  • Obstacle race
  • Prize giving
  • School BBQ
It was a great day of fun and adventure, such a unique way of ending the summer school on a high!
Glenn James USA

Start your journey with us  Invest in your child’s future this summer 

University of Stirling 2025

session 1
28 June - 17 July 2025
session 2
19 July - 7 August 2025

University of Oxford 2025

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6 July - 26 July 2025

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